plantuml test

PlantUML Syntax:
skinparam backgroundcolor AntiqueWhite/LightGreen
Interface TD1.Client
TD1.Client : GetVersion()
TD1.Client : ProgramFlash()
Interface sensorCore.Client
sensorCore.Client : SendStatusReport()
Interface FlashUpdater
FlashUpdater : Needed()
FlashUpdater : Update()
Class td1driver
Interface TD1Driver
sensorCore.Client -* td1driver
TD1Driver : Start()
TD1Driver : Stop()
Interface BinFileActions
BinFileActions : GetChunks()
BinFileActions : GetChecksum()
class td1driver implements TD1Driver
td1driver *- FlashUpdater
td1driver *- TD1.Client
flashUpdate *- BinFileActions
flashUpdate *- TD1.Client
class BinFile implements BinFileActions
class flashUpdate implements FlashUpdater

The above is a test of using PlantUML inside WordPress. PlantUML provides drawing UML and Class diagrams using plain text.

Had to use “classic style” wordpress blocks as apparently writing plain text inside the new featured WordPress blocks is not rendered properly, unfortunately. But anyway, this is good to keep as an example.

The actual way the above image was created was with the following text, now put in a WordPress-code-block:

skinparam backgroundcolor AntiqueWhite/LightGreen
Interface TD1.Client
TD1.Client : GetVersion()
TD1.Client : ProgramFlash()
Interface sensorCore.Client
sensorCore.Client : SendStatusReport()
Interface FlashUpdater
FlashUpdater : Needed()
FlashUpdater : Update()
Class td1driver
Interface TD1Driver
sensorCore.Client -* td1driver
TD1Driver : Start()
TD1Driver : Stop()
Interface BinFileActions
BinFileActions : GetChunks()
BinFileActions : GetChecksum()
class td1driver implements TD1Driver
td1driver *- FlashUpdater
td1driver *- TD1.Client
flashUpdate *- BinFileActions
flashUpdate *- TD1.Client
class BinFile implements BinFileActions
class flashUpdate implements FlashUpdater